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  • Writer's pictureTodd

A Little Leaven...

Updated: 2 days ago

We know that Satan is subtle. He temps us to do evil while making it seem like we are doing good or benefitting others. This is very evident when it comes to what society considers normal or socially acceptable. As Christians, and those that are not sheeple, have seen, a little tolerance in the form of perceived equality or perceived human rights can lead to actions that in the not-so-distant past, would be considered pure evil.

Galatians 5:9 tells us “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” This same language is also used in 1 Corinthians 5:6. Jesus even warns in Mark 8:15 to be aware of those that are leaven. Once the snowball gets rolling downhill, it is very hard to stop the momentum. The key is to not accept, tolerate, and/or support those nonbiblical actions (leaven) before they take root and affect everyone (the whole loaf). It does not take much for society to accept that which should be unacceptable and to use worldly reasoning to reject God’s word.

Scripture gives us as Christians, guidance to see, judge, and act in a biblical manner. We understand the first two, but we rarely do the third which is to act. We do not resist evil in all its forms. Part of the reason is fear. We are afraid of the repercussions or of hurting others. Another reason is, we are not sure what the bible says about an issue. We have not spent time really studying the bible to understand what it says versus what we think it says, what we were taught it says, or what we want it to say. We believe that if we know what the bible says about something, we will be much better prepared to act in the manner we should.

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