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SEE JUDGE ACT defines the word Ascendant as “A position of dominance or controlling influence: possession of power, superiority, or preeminence.” This attitude is lost on a lot of Christians. Although we are to adopt a service mentality in many occasions, we are still more than conquerors according to Romans 8:37. The Bible gives us guidance to See, Judge, and Act in this manner. To quote Rod Dreher in his book Live Not by Lies, “See meant to be awake to realities around you. Judge was a command to discern soberly the meaning of those realities in-light of what you know to be true, especially from the teaching of the Christian faith. After you reach a conclusion, then you are to act to resist evil.”


Today, many Christians see what is going on in the world and judge what they see based on what they believe to be true. However, most do not act to resist evil. Part of acting is not accepting the evil that the world is trying to normalize. As we have seen with many trends that are directly against biblical teachings, even a little tolerance and support leads to societal corruption. The Bible puts it this way, Galatians 5:9 “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.”


Many people in the church today use scripture to take a laze-a-fair attitude toward the evil around them and in the world. They take the “God’s got this” approach. It is true, God is on the throne and Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. This does not mean that we sit back and do nothing. We at ASC3NDANTS, use scripture to act, if only in a small way, to advance God’s kingdom here on earth. That is why we have started this podcast and blog. To reach out to people and get them to think about scripture and how they can participate in this very real spiritual war. To give Christians a perspective on biblical truth instead of the non-biblical truths the “world” would have us believe.

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